Living Harvest Fund

Living Word’s heart is to fulfil Jesus’ Great Commission, making disciples of all nations and taking the gospel to the furthest corners of the earth (Matt. 28:19). We invite you to join us as we unify and collaborate to bring in the harvest!

Living Harvest Fund
Bank: ABSA Silverton
Account No.: 1011544971
Branch Code: 632005 / 334445
Swift Code: ABSAZAJJ

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Living Harvest is a fund that supports and empowers all our outward expressions of church, including: 1. Missions, 2. Outreaches, 3. Social responsibility and 4. Church planting. The aim is to grow into the command we received in Matthew 28:19 and James 1:27. At Living Word we are focused on expanding the Living Harvest activities during February and beyond to grow year on year. We encourage all our members to sow into the Living Harvest Fund above and beyond their normal contributions. Our Executive Committee stewards this fund with accountability and integrity.
And he said to them: “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” Luke 10:2